Central AC ClubStart

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Central AC ClubStart and ClubStart Minis are fun athletics training programmes for 9-12 year olds and 5-8 year olds in the Stirling area.

On our ClubStart Programme young athletes are introduced to a range of athletic events, fundamental movement skills, balance, coordination and speed sessions; the essential ABC of all sports. The programme is based around athletics, and the running, jumping and throwing skills acquired are extremely beneficial to children while also underpinning a wide variety of sports.

The club operates in a safe, relaxed and friendly environment, allowing children to have fun and enjoy their experience, to make new friends and to progress athletically.

Bookings for ClubStart and ClubStart Minis can be made on EntryCentral. For all sessions, go to the EntryCentral website and search for ClubStart. For more information please contact the Club Secretary

Central AC runs a number of internal events for its Club members, and ClubStart athletes are encouraged to come along and participate in these. Athletes on our ClubStart programme may also have the opportunity to compete for Central AC and get their first taste of competition in club colours in some of the development leagues we participate in.