Club time trials 2024

Apr 15, 2024

While it may not quite feel like it, summer is here, and we were all set to run another series of summer time trials on the last Thursday of each month until August. These support athlete development and give athletes a chance to test themselves in a supportive and encouraging setting.

The first event is on Thursday 25 April and includes track races from 100 Metres to 1,500 Metres, Sprint Hurdles, Long Jump, Shot Put and Relays. Registration is from 6.30 with the first race at 6.45pm. Full details are in this PDF file:

It is imperative that athletes wishing to participate in hurdles pre-register for these events with John McDonald (, by Tuesday 23 April, please.

Any member, parent or guardian who is able to assist in making the event happen would also be welcomed. Looking forward to a summer of sport.