Recreational running

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If you want to run with an organised group, but aren’t sure that club training sessions are what you’re looking for, then you might want to try Central’s Recreational Running Group.

The group is organised by Colin Sinclair ( and meets on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. There are usually six to ten people in a small friendly group and we go out on local paths and trails for about an hour covering about 5-8km. We run at a pace so that nobody gets left behind, and the emphasis is on it being a social occasion.

Sessions are led by qualified coaches and are aimed at recreational runners wanting to keep fit. Advice can be offered for runners wanting to progress further into competition. You might use it as an entry point for taking part in the club’s main training sessions, or you might prefer to use it simply as a way to add some structure to taking some exercise.

There’s an email each week setting the meeting point and new participants are always welcome. The first month is free, and then there’s a special club membership fee for recreational group members.